Cryptocurrency has been in news due to quick risk and returns on investment.

It is a type of digital currency having the concept of blockchain technology.

APT or Aptos is a massively scalable layer one blockchain created by a group of former Diem engineers

The current value of APT is $7.2199, its value is expected to cross $70 by 2030.

QNT is the token that powers the platform which is a network for creating mApps, decentralized applications operating on various blockchains at one time.

The current value of QNT is $157.  The target for 2030 is $1,400 and $1,540.

AZERO or Aleph Zero is created for enterprise, web 3.0, as well as DeFi use cases.

The current value of AZERO is $0.8779. The target for 2030 is $8.1 and $8.6.

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