5 Best AI Search Engine
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5 Best AI Search Engine

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Technology has evolved and emerged as a game changer because of artificial intelligence. It has also changed the way we use to search for a query on a search engine. The best AI search engine is capable of understanding the intent of the query and providing highly relevant results. In this article, we will explore 5 best AI search engines

5 Best AI Search Engine
5 Best AI Search Engine

Before diving into the knowledge of AI search engines, let us understand what is AI search engine

What is an AI search engine?

AI search engines use machine learning techniques to optimize the search results. These search engines intelligently analyze the preferences and behavior of the users and then customize the output according to the accurate needs.

5 Best AI search engine

1. Google Bard

The search engine is developed by Google on 21st March 2023. The information is available in 46 different languages and in 238 countries. 

Google Bard
Google Bard

The advanced features of this search engine include personalized results, image search, and voice search. The language model is LaMDA

This search engine is free for everyone


User-friendly interface

Nicely created responses just like those created by human


Isolated experience because of no integration or plugins

2. ChatGPT

This search engine is created by open AI on 30th November 2022. It is capable of producing responses to the queries posted by the users. It is written in Python language. The software has the capability of creating human-like conversational dialogues.


The base plan of this search engine is available for unlimited use but with Limited features. One can easily opt for the premium version for $20 per month.


Easy to use

User-friendly interface

Answers almost every query

History tab availability


Sometimes the results are inaccurate

Limited knowledge as it has been trained on the data till 2021

3. Komo

This search engine offers 3 important features explore, search and chat. Users can get involved in Idea generation along with participating in the topic discussions. The search feature is quick and produces effective responses to the queries.


This platform helps users to determine their interests and look for the answers in an engaging manner.

The base version of this platform is free for everyone


No ads

Quick and reliable results

Customized and relevant search results

Easy to use


The user interface is not as good as the rivals which means there is a need for improvement

Repetitive results

Not always up to date with the latest information

4. You.com

This search engine developed by Richard Sochet and Bryan McCann focuses on maintaining the privacy of the users. This is extremely helpful to those who want to keep their information secure and at the same time prefer to have quick answers. 


This search engine provides flexibility in creating apps to run within the result page. The search results generated are similar to those generated by Google. The results produced by the search engine are based on logical reasoning. It can provide results to the latest questions as well.

This search engine is free to use.


Easy to use

Maintains user privacy

Provides information on the latest news and topics


Sometimes the text generated is not of good quality

The image generator has three daily creations

5. Bing

This search engine is developed by Microsoft to leverage the ability of artificial intelligence. The platform was updated in February 2023 which includes LLM technology. Millions of users have shifted from Google to Bing. 


A few of the advanced features of this platform are academic search, visual search, and voice search. The language model of this search engine is OpenAI Prometheus.


Easy to use

Spectacular background image

This platform is free to use. 


Loading time is higher than that of Google

The mapping system of this software is worse than competitors.

5 Best AI Search Engines

Frequently asked questions

Which search engine has AI?

Google Bard, ChatGPT, You.com, Bing, and many more.

Which AI can replace Google?

ChatGPT can replace Google

Is Google the smartest AI in the world?

There are many other smartest AI in the world, just like Google.

What is Google’s more advanced AI?

PaLM 2 

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